Silk Road Trade & Travel Encyclopedia

Welcome to "SILK ROUTES.Net"


Discover the ancient trade routes that crisscrossed Eurasia for nearly 3,000 years.
The Silk Routes linked merchants in China to their counterparts along the routes to Central Asia, India, Arabia, Turkey and Europe.

This website aims to serve as an educational online encyclopedia that provides information for educators, students, tourists, researchers, and business communities. Material is attributed to reliable sources, however Silk Routes.Net cannot guarantee the validity of  information found here, or through links to other websites such as Wikipedia.

About the site owner

Yasemin Dobra-Manço is a writer-journalist based in Istanbul who has conducted research on Western encounters with the East. Her M.A. thesis at Columbia University (Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures Department, New York, 1986) was on Orientalism, focusing on the Western image of Turks and the Ottoman Empire. During her studies, the topic of Orientalism was vigorously debated due to the scholarship of Columbia University Professor Edward Said, an influential author and critic of the Western study of Eastern cultures, known best for his book Orientalism. In addition, she has studied at the United Nations International School, Vassar College, School of Oriental and African Studies, and Oxford University (matriculated St. John's College, Oriental Studies). Her formal education includes 6 languages. She has traveled extensively throughout the world, and in countries along the silk, spice and incense routes from the nations of the Far East and Indian subcontinent, to The Gulf, North Africa and the Mediterranean. Other academic subjects of interest include maritime trade, geo-politics, Ottoman history, comparative religion, and art history. As an educator, she has focused on Western misconceptions of the Orient, and taught courses on public relations and lobbying on behalf of Turkey with the aim of promoting a more accurate understanding of this secular democratic nation founded by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.


Yasemin Dobra-Manço是一位伊斯坦布尔的作家兼新闻记者,曾经进行过东方的西方感知研究工作,她在哥伦比亚大学(中东和亚洲语言文化系,纽约,1986)时的毕业论文研究了东方学,重点分析了奥斯曼帝国在西方的形象。另外她还分别在美国国际学校、VASSAR学院、东方和非洲研究学校和牛津大学就读过。她的正规教育包含6门语言,到世界很多国家旅行过。她的其他学术研究兴趣还有政治科学、地理政治、奥斯曼帝国历史、比较宗教学和艺术历史。作为一名教育工作者她曾专注于研究西方对东方的误解印象,并教过公共关系,代表土耳其促欧洲和西方正确和公正理解土耳其。

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